In3 — Inclusive Innovation Incubator, Thinking Beyond Diversity
We have launched, we are open for business and we are here to support and increase diversity amongst entrepreneurs, startups and small business owners. We are looking for individuals to sign up for membership at In3, groups and organization to host events and use our facilities for training and programming to support entrepreneurs, startups and small business owners
We used our first week, week of April 27th to welcome the community to our new home with the In3 Week of Welcome. The week had over 30 events/programs capped off with an opening event featuring the Mayor Muriel Bowser
Why we do what we do; I recently read the quote below:
‘Equality’ asks the questions, ‘Are you standing for my rights when I step outside my workforce? Are you fighting for equality for me?’ — Tony Prophet
We have a team at Clearly Innovative / Luma Lab that has been focused on supporting diverse students, employees and entrepreneurs since we opened our doors almost 10 years ago. We have had to fight for equality as individuals but also as a small business, fight for opportunity to compete in a fair and balanced business ecosystem. We have been promoting diversity and inclusion from our first few hires, from the summer programs we have run, from the interns we hire from Howard University and the office hours and mentoring we have done for entrepreneurs here in Washington DC.
I have little choice, I cannot put down the diversity and inclusion banner because it is who I am, I am a visible manifestation of “inclusive innovation” and I choose to extend those beliefs into the work I have been doing in my community since I started my company. In3 — the Inclusive Innovation Incubator is a continuation of that work and an effort to have a larger impact on the DC region’s efforts to support “Inclusive Prosperity”
If you want to be part of something that acknowledges the “whole” you, doesn’t expect you to change who you are to be part of the community, a space and organization that is inclusive from the start, come check out what we are building at In3
For more information on the Inclusive Innovation Incubator please see the website and sign-up for announcements on pricing, pre-opening events and updates.
For more information on Luma Innovation Foundation for Entrepreneurship and to sign up for opportunities to get additional support for your entrepreneurship projects, please see the website at
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